Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Bush deserves to die.

Slobodan Milosevic was equally evil to George Bush. Neither one cares what the world thinks, they are both determined that their cause is right and the ends justifies the means. Legalized discrimination – am I referring to Milosedvic and his treatment of the Albanians? Or am I referring to the attempt to amend the US constitution to promote hatred and fear? In fact I could also be saying, “it’s Bush wanting to make being in the US illegally a felony.” Unless you are Native American, YOU are in the US illegally. Christopher Columbus did not discover America, he invaded it. Subsequent "explorers" massacred the “Indians” raped their women, forced Christian beliefs on them and the list goes on and on. What is good enough for Milosevic is good enough for Bush, hall his ass before the United Nations, throw him in jail, and wait till his tiny, evil, heart gives out. Then feed him to the hogs.


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