Monday, September 11, 2006

Canada belongs in Afghanistan

We’ve got asshole politicians like Jack Layton saying Canada should not be in Afghanistan; that Canada is a peaceful country and we should be focusing on peace keeping duties. Therefore it’s time to remind these idiots of why we are there. In 1986 the Taliban Government granted asylum to Osama Bin Laden since Saudi Arabia had stripped him of his citizenship there. This is the country/government that has implemented death for adultery (99% of the time it’s women who are killed). The husband only has to accuse her, and she is dead.

Remember the women wearing the Burka, those robes that were thick, hot as hell and covered their heads to their toes. If the religious police saw skin, he whipped her, beat her, and locked her up if the mood struck. Women were being shot execution style in the Olympic Stadium in Kabul for sport and entertainment.

This is why we are there. This is who we are fighting. We must not give up till every last Taliban is dead, or has laid down their arms.

People are saying it’s not our war. That is the attitude of President Roosevelt and the American people in 1939. Germany had attacked Poland, Holland, Great Britain, Russia and France and the US military continued to be supportive of Hitler and do nothing to help Europe. The only thing that changed that was Pearl Harbour. If it weren’t for Japan attacking America, who knows where the world would be today? So we should take advantage of hindsight being 20/20 we know what happened in 1939-1942 lets not let it happened again. Let Mr. Layton shut his mouth, and let every able bodied Canadian sign up for military service. Losing is not an option.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

CNN is Racist

I have always considered myself a fan of CNN but they did something today that proves political agenda promotion and racisms. There is a headline that says “ ‘3 children die’ in Israeli attack’ ” WTF Mr. Turner? You put a news fact in quotation marks so that it indirectly states, “it is alleged” or “it isn’t proven”, but on the right-wing-nut-site they say outright, “3 children killed.” As someone who practices Judaism and who is a bit of a Zionist, I don’t support IDF tactics much of the time, but when kids are killed, don’t go and sugar coat it.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Toronto Terror Suspects

OK so now the people of Toronto and Canada are realizing that they are not immune to hate. No surprise there, but if you were to ask the little thugs who were arrested why they did what “they are accused of doing” they’d likely say “Afghanistan this” and “Israel that”. They have been totally brainwashed by the nuts that preach hatred. Remember the Taliban shooting women in the head in a soccer stadium for showing ankle, and the leadership at the time saying, they’ll stop killing in the Olympic Stadium as soon as the international community builds them a “suitable venue” to hold their executions.

Their lawyers and fellow Muslims are reminding us of the presumption of innocence. True, but if the police have made arrests, and court proceedings are going ahead, it is not unrealistic for us to think that just maybe there is something to these allegations. This does not mean that they can’t get a fair trial! If they are worried about that, then they can have a trial before a judge alone, like the accused terrorists of Air India Flight 182.

There is little doubt that these guys did take delivery of 3 tonnes of ammonium nitrate. I suppose it’s possible they were farmers, or just pot growers, but 3 tonnes equals a huge amount of bud.

Then the Khadr family shows up in court “to show their support.” This is the family that calls Osama Bin Laden a friend, wants Israel destroyed, has two sons in custody facing terrorism allegations, has one son paralyzed in a gun battle with forces in Pakistan, has “lost” MANY Canadian passports EACH, and the list continues. Although they have never been convicted of a terrorism related crime, there are certainly charges pending and fear among the population of what they might be up to.

Fact, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was constantly wearing a “suicide vest” but did he blow himself up when the Americans were coming? Nope. The gutless coward! The man hides his face, cuts off the heads off people who have their hands bound behind their backs, then he start dancing and praising Allah??? WTF man? I wish I could have been there when he met his maker and was sent straight to hell to suffer for all eternity.

IF these little buggers are found guilty, they should be taken out and shot. Of course Canada has no death penalty, so just stick them in with the general population and let them get gang raped every night until they do the world a favor and kill themselves. Or deport them to a country where “more persuasive interrogations techniques are used” to help find other little wanna be terrorists.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Piss of the asshole off and kill yourself!

The Bush administration has hit a new low. They are calling the suicides of three torture victims “acts of war.” Talk about spitting on cup cakes and calling it frosting. These poor guys are held without charges, no sign of release, they are abused psychologically, denied lawyers and family contact. When they went on hunger strikes to attempt to either improve their plight by drawing attention to; or killing themselves to end their agony, they are subjected to medical procedures again their wishes. If these guys are thought to be guilty of something, why are they not being held on Rikers Island, and tired in American courts? Because the government needs to torture them first to get them to admit to whatever it is they want them to say. Under torture, anyone would admit that they are the Wicked Witch of the West, or Barbra Streisand or Barbara Bush for god’s sake. The UN should do what they should have done with Hitler, bomb the shit out of Guantanamo and put Bush on trial for war crimes. I repeat, IF these guys have done something illegal, why are they not in prisons in America, with lawyers, and media coverage and all the other shit that O.J. and Zacharias Moussaoui got?

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Why I hate Yanks

Remember there is a difference between Yankee, and Americans. Oprah is an American, Bush is a Yankee.

There is an Yankee asshole out there with his own blog dedicated to bashing Canadians. Here is one of his quotes:

Canadia is the proper spelling for a country where the people call themselves "Canadians". If the country's name was spelled "Canada," then the people there would call themselves "Canadans." Since they call themselves "Canadians", it's only reasonable to spell the name of their country "Canadia."

This is what I mean when I bitch about American ignorance. Not to say all Americans are this stupid, but come on man. He thinks that since an ns is added to America to create Americans, then every country should be the same. This works for countries that end with an a like Jamaica. What about England – English, Holland – Dutch, Denmark – Danes, this little fucker has no clue what the world or the English language is about.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Bush deserves to die.

Slobodan Milosevic was equally evil to George Bush. Neither one cares what the world thinks, they are both determined that their cause is right and the ends justifies the means. Legalized discrimination – am I referring to Milosedvic and his treatment of the Albanians? Or am I referring to the attempt to amend the US constitution to promote hatred and fear? In fact I could also be saying, “it’s Bush wanting to make being in the US illegally a felony.” Unless you are Native American, YOU are in the US illegally. Christopher Columbus did not discover America, he invaded it. Subsequent "explorers" massacred the “Indians” raped their women, forced Christian beliefs on them and the list goes on and on. What is good enough for Milosevic is good enough for Bush, hall his ass before the United Nations, throw him in jail, and wait till his tiny, evil, heart gives out. Then feed him to the hogs.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Love that Seal Hunt

I am really sick of these stupid people telling Canada to stop the seal hunt without having any clue WHY we have it. Also their argument about percentages of GDP that the seal hunting industry is responsible for is only trying to make themselves sound educated about life in Newfoundland/Labrador. This is like me trying to describe life in Iraq.
1) Newfoundland/Labrador’s GDP is what it is because of huge oil reserves off the coast and finally having wells to get it to the surface.
2) For over 10 years MOST people in Newfoundland have had to rely on some form of social assistance if not totally on hand outs since the Cod fishery had to be closed due to the over eating of all fish by seals
3) Clubbing seals is illegal; and as for the white coat cuties, you cannot touch them or you will go to jail (take note Mr. McCarthy coming to Canada and ignoring our environmental laws).
4) So IF there are real videos from THIS year showing the atrocities you claim, show them to the fisheries and wildlife people and have these criminals arrested.
5) Why are there no arrests? Because they are not clubbing the animals, only humanely shooting them. FYI How do you think they kill cows? They shoot a bolt into it’s head. Chicken are hung by their ankles and their heads cut off, and if you want kosher or halal, then they are dangled with a hook through their aquiles tendon and have their throats slit open in front of all the other animals where they twitch and swing for a long, long time until they bleed out. Still eat meat? Hypocrite!
6) We can either have Canadian people starve, or the taxpayers can go broke funding an entire province out of work, or we can kill some seals that eat TONNES of fish every day, and try and re-open our decimated fish industry. Which would you prefer? And what eats the most fish? the big fat ugly ones. Hell the white pups eat virtually nothing so killing them is a waste of a bullet.
7) All these videos that you are finding online are from people like PETA and Paul McCarthy. They are people who believe that eating milk, cheese, eggs; any animal flesh etc. is just as evil as the seal hunt. So you if want to agree with them - that seals should not be shot, then kiss cheese burgers good bye. Also, steaks, ribs, pastas, and a million other things that most people don’t hesitate to eat but these wackos would have you jailed for promoting animal cruelty.
8) Finally before you read all PETA/McCarthy's crap, go to the Government of Canada and Government of Newfound/Labrador sites and see what they have to say on the topic. If they are lying there are legal recourses to bring them to their knees. However if PETA is full of it, well, you just have to file it under "T" for tough shit.